Monday, March 12, 2007


So I'm almost used to driving on the left side of the road now. We have a comically colored toothpaste green car named Rembrandt to live out of for the next twenty days. We left Hoon Hay this morning and arrived at Arthur's Pass a few hours ago. It was the most beautiful drive I've ever had. The Ninster was a little nervous, wanted to slow down a few times. Oddly enough, I've never been passed so many times in my life. Hopefully our car will make it till the 31st. A couple of those mountain passes wouldn't have happened without first gear. Anyways, a few minutes ago we returned from the quick hike up to Devil's Punchbowl and happened upon an honor system internet cafe-so here we are trying to upload our photos from the beginning of the trip. They're posting at a rate of about one every fifteen minutes, so you may have to wait until we find faster access to see the rest of ther good ones. Til then, Cheers


Ryan said...

Sounds like the beginning of an awesome adventure. Keep up the good work! Driving on the wrong side of the road is sooo weird. I always have to think, "Stay left, stay left."

Unknown said...

what a shit box.

Christina Marie said...

You don't even use Rembrandt....

Christina Marie said...
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Papasan said...

the left side is the right side, the right side is suicide