Wednesday, February 28, 2007


hello everyone!! welcome to our new zealand blog....we hope you follow us all over the the beautiful countrysides of both islands and share in our adventure!!

you may be asking yourself...what the hell is "up the boohai?!?!???" well, according to a very reliable web site of kiwi words and phrases, BOOHAI means: awry; out of the way non-existant place. As in "up the boohai shooting pukeko's with a long-handled shovel": said in response to "Where are you going?", and meaning either "Mind your own business" or "I'm just wandering around". Or "up the boohai" (out of place; awry)

hopefully, we'll be able to find our way around out there up the boohai or where ever we are going! wish us luck and check in often as we will try to update as much as possible.

we miss you all already (but not too much!)....